Everything you will ever need to know about CHANGE!

Change has had to endure it’s fair share of skepticism mainly due to suspicion it can be made to support pretty much any PROPOSITION PROPOSED leaving participants scratching their heads and wondering, “So what exactly is CHANGE?” While we have little trouble recognizing CHANGE when we see it, no one has properly explained CHANGE in practical terms that can empower users to resolve even the most fundamental issues as required. A simple equation like e=mc² or practicality of a Swiss Army Knife for the INFORMATION AGE perhaps. Well we’re about to CHANGE that. Thanks to many years of research and development we can confidently claim to have CRACKED THE CHANGE CODE not through some convoluted algorithm but by distilling the essence of CHANGE from the process itself and reducing the whole shooting match down to FIVE MAGICAL WORDS that can open every door in this NEW KINGDOM.





It is difficult to describe the feeling when over what seems a lifetime wrestling with a proposition you personally see prospects of quite vividly, but not exactly at the top of everyone’s bucket list and if so, usually not in a good way, more like in a CONTRACTING LEPROSY kind of way which is extremely challenging when thinking of CHANGE more in terms of clash of civilizations and hidden secrets one might expect from GAME OF THRONES than charts and diagrams. Then unexpectedly out of the blue when a routine property rights check to allay fears of infringing prior use, turns instead to a challenge to push boundaries even further. Better still when the challenge comes with authority of a prestigious HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW published at the turn of this century by leading academics and authors professors NITIN NOHRIA and MICHAEL BEER fortuitously titled “CRACKING THE CODE OF CHANGE” which provides a detailed insight into the popular CORPORATE view of the day that CHANGE may be the panacea to resolve age old competing interests of SHAREHOLDER VALUE AND EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION through the principles of E THEORY or what might be called STRUCTURAL CHANGE automation, productivity and the like which has caused CHANGE to become synonymous in the minds of most with negative impacts of downsizing, retrenchment and specter of job insecurity generally while the more pragmatic O THEORY deals with wider EMOTIONAL CONCERNS of retaining and empowering management and employees to attain more productive and efficient outcomes.

While all elements of CHANGE known at the time are incorporated within this review the authors were well aware that they are only scratching the surface in relation to wider application of CHANGE so cleverly (as it may resonate with others at a later time), issued a STUNNING CHALLENGE.

In the words of the authors and we quote.

“To improve the odds of success, and to reduce human carnage, it is imperative executives understand the nature and process of CORPORATE CHANGE much better.”

However, even this is not enough.

“In this more unpredictable environment, leaders will need to – CRACK THE CODE OF CHANGE”.

With all the words that have been expended on CHANGE it’s surprising no one has taken the time to define it in simple terms we can all understand.

Something like E=MC² or SWISS ARMY KNIFE for the INFORMATION AGE that can empower users to resolve from the most fundamental, to more complex issues as required.

Well we’re about to CHANGE that by reaching beyond the superficial perception of CHANGE and defining the entire shooting match from start to finish in FIVE SIMPLE EASY TO REMEMBER WORDS.

These FIVE MAGICAL WORDS are a PRICELESS GIFT that can unlock each and every door in this NEW KINGDOM.

Never again will you have to grapple with the complexity of CHANGE, simply apply the CODE for all you need to know when you need to know it.

As you will discover it’s how the INFORMATION AGE WORKS.

What will become apparent as we explore this new WORLD is ideologically driven predisposed positions are an ANATHEMA TO CHANGE.

This world is moving way too fast, what worked yesterday may not today.

So instead of being constrained by continually having to prove a particular point of view, we simply forensically examine and query the SOURCE of the particular task at hand to reveal IT’S SECRETS.

To demonstrate how this works we take on the biggest CHALLENGE of them all – CHANGE.

If we can conquer CHANGE then we can tackle just about anything, so we will query the source to reveal the THREE GOLDEN RULES OF CHANGE.

– GOLDEN RULE NO 2 secret sauce or operational order of CHANGE.
– GOLDRN RULE NO 3 simple oversight filter to validate CHANGE outcomes.

Once CHANGE is defined the FIVE MAGICAL WORDS pose two simple queries. Two words in one three in the other that validate each VALUE PROPOSITION to instantly assess all you need to know when you need to know it for personal, investment, business or relationship prospects. Discover the secret formula behind social media giants from EBAY TO UBER that you can apply to your own business, unravel the mysteries of such social phenomenon as ARAB SPRING, OCCUPY, #METOO or most recent WWCF abuse controversy, rise in popularity of former progressive political leaders SANDERS / CORBYN, why disenfranchised white guys flock in droves to populist rantings of DONALD TRUMP and why POPE FRANCIS is driving traditional conservatives absolutely stir crazy.

No he’s not SOCIALIST just complying with the FIVE MAGICAL WORD PRINCIPLE OF CHANGE.

OKAY, OKAY enough already better get some EXPERT OPINION.

When confronted by a subject we may know very little about, we can either invest a lot of time researching EXPERT OPINION, therefore relying on the assumption that these experts may have considerable insight into the subject being discussed, or query the source directly, which may provide a far better outcome. After all it’s the ULTIMATE EXPERT.

That is not to say EXPERT OPINION cannot be considered it is integral to the conversation. It is simply that when approaching the subject of CHANGE there is tendency to start the discussion somewhat into the conversation. In other words there seems to be expectation that the listener should already know what constitutes CHANGE, whereas our proposition is to back up a bit and find that magical piece of information right at the beginning of the process that provides CONTEXT in which to frame the discussion. Similar to how the magical phrase “we the people”, unequivocally provides CONTEXT to frame the discussion for the democratic aspirations of the U.S constitution, and while we are very respectful of the BEER AND NOHRIA review, they are simply articulating the somewhat limited UTOPIAN CORPORATE view of the day.

The reality of course CHANGE is much more than that. However in the minds of most CHANGE is synonymous with these previously stated more negative impacts leading to resistance if not outright fear of CHANGE. Well you know what they say about fear being of fear itself which is also true of CHANGE, perceived as this huge almost unknowable proposition. But what if it isn’t. In fact what if CHANGE is that dead simple it can be completely explained from beginning to end top to bottom with all it’s complexities in five simple easy to remember MAGICAL words, which can be applied like a template to figure out what you need to know when you need to know it.

Well get set to become the most EMPOWERED person on the planet, as we sit at the feet and query the source itself to CRACK THE CODE OF CHANGE.

Hi everyone David Noel Simons founder of CRACK CHANGE CODE PROJECT, thanks for stopping by.

Before we dive in I would like to provide a little background.

During the course of my working life, I had the good fortune to share a passion for CHANGE with other likeminded colleagues and spent every spare moment searching for ways to unravel the complexity of CHANGE so as to make more accessible and use as required.

This simple CHECK LIST for example ….

AGE: Industrial to Information.
SYSTEM: Control to Empowerment.
ENVIRONMENT: Closed to Transparent.
STRUCTURE: Hierarchical to Flat.
ECONOMY: Debt to Sustainability.

…. reveals we’re not living in any old CHANGED WORLD but exact opposite to the one from which we came only a few short years ago which is a critical starting point when planning for the future.

This being the case. Then absolutely imperative everyone is given the same opportunity to better understand how to not just survive but thrive in this BRAVE NEW WORLD. So I have created a tiny easy to understand report that will be available for download, then blast off on a voyage of discovery right back to where it all began and meet our two main protagonists of CHANGE who together through a very calculated and extraordinary series of events (in accordance of course with our magical five word principle) slammed the door shut on a rusting old INDUSTRIAL AGE while opening another to the promise of a sparkling new AGE OF INFORMATION complete with operational blueprint detailing how this new world will work and in this fleeting moment of COLLECTIVE TRIUMPH transformed a longstanding symbol of oppression into a MONUMENT OF TRANSITION for this civilization that other such transformational monuments as STONEHENGE, PYRAMIDS, EASTER ISLAND are for previous civilizations.

However, unlike previous transformations which usually occurred over many years in some cases centuries, even millennia with battles waged and many lives lost (also in accordance with our magical little tool) we can accurately pinpoint down to the very DAY CHANGE HAPPENED. The exact date of which strangely or by design coincides cryptically with an event that began the steady push back on CHANGE.

That’s right. There’s an inflection point that happened around the turn of this century where powers that be woke up one morning and went “hmmmm ….  empowered population, well that ain’t gonna work”. Then set about systematically dismantling all the progress that had been made to that point and giving us the CHANGE, they want us to have.

To such a degree that if we cast our mind back, we may find our checklist is in fact, in tatters.

While we ARE living under a far greater empowered system it has come at HUGE cost to privacy some might say liberty and while lip service is paid to transparency “and it will be 100% open and transparent” as they stare blankly down the barrel of the camera lens, only to find later we’re lying through their friggin teeth. And yes, while structure is flatter, (social media, online banking, shopping and the like) all the big calls are still coming from on high with more debt issued in last four years than previous forty, even vested interests desperately clinging to their rotting carcass of CONTROL rebranding CHANGE the FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, due they say to Robotics and AI.

Well, that’s easily debunked. According to our newest best friend while automation did DRIVE the INDUSTRIAL AGE, we are no longer mesmerized by moving parts.

So, the question should be, “What drives autonomous technology and repetitive learning?”

You got it, “INFORMATION”.

Well dear reader once you get your HOT little hands on the report you will find unequivocal proof we are in fact well entrenched in an EMPOWERING AGE OF INFORMATION arrived at not through some flimsy ideologically driven predisposed position, but (and of course with help from our HOT little tool) through the process itself.

So which one of our checkpoints is not only the right or pragmatic thing to do but as our social media influencer friends may testify, provides unfettered COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE? or which one shows women are more conducive to CHANGE. No guys not under siege from pushy overbearing feminists out to displace male counterparts. Simply (as clearly detailed in our report) women are not (at least to the same degree) burdened by what needs to CHANGE in the first place. In other words, no baggage, bad habits to break or lumbering ship to turn round, so good to go in a world moving at a lightning pace.

So climb aboard as we reach back in time to better understand this somewhat CHALLENGING WORLD, and make it known to those increasingly forgotten communities, the CAVALRY IS COMING.

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